Energizing your business

Let our professional team help your business grow by supplying the best fit original equipment & spare parts .

Our company team has the solution.

SolarTech llc. professional team will provide your business the required Industrial Equipment, Tools and Spare Parts such as Solar Energy equipment , Valves, Pumps, Motors, Gear Boxes, Measuring Devices, Electric equipment, PLC equipment, Forklifts, fire extinguishing systems …. Etc.

The Idea

In SolarTech we put our long experience & business relationships with our international partners to help you choosing the suitable original equipment & parts .


This is the time to enjoy the special services you deserve

Contact Us

We strive to provide the highest quality products and services in many fields


Metallurgical industry

We can provide our services for metallurgical industry such as Aluminum , steel , copper factories.


Solar Power Plants

We can supply & install solar power plants for industrial , agricultural & residential sectors.


Cement industry

Our professional team can provide our special services for cement factories.


Pharmaceutical industry

Sure we can give a helping hand for pharmaceutical factories To help them fight diseases and epidemics.

We are excited to offer our professional services to you.

Professional team can help you any time.
We will be your reliable partner.
Providing the highest quality products.
Providing the most suitable prices.